Wednesday, October 19, 2011

My own dream for Colombia

Every single day and every single night, we are dreaming about our wishes in life. However, everyone have their own dreams and my dream for us, for this beautiful country, called Colombia is peace, happiness and tolerance.

My reason for give this small speech is because Colombia has always been in troubles and I want to transform this disease into sunshine. It could be kind of sarcasm, but it is not the true. We will see the change of our departments through the north to south: Guajira and Amazonas, and through the west to east: Chocó and Vichada. The time would say it.

In my dream, there is not going to be more corruption in the political parties, no more terrorism from drug dealers or gangsters, and no more robberies, violations and kidnappings  because control organizations will work for this ideal.

No more unemployment for people in necessity, no more poverty and illiteracy, no more health services only for wealthy people, no more segregation of any kind, no more displaced people from their homes and lands, no more guerrillas like FARC and ELN, no more screen calls for government and no more false positives from authorities and militarism; as a matter of fact, charities and educational institutes will help indigent people and there will be agreements to follow the holy road of reasonableness.

No more protests from students, farm & indigenous people due to all policies are going to be from community to community.

I know that Colombia have terrible things that happen everyday, yet all countries have problems and their people could turn around and disappear the darkness. 

A great group with several duties is similar to a human body, if one part works, then all parts have to work as well as the first one, so I will be a neuron that always keeps annoying us to propose and improve all aspects of justice.

I am dreamer and I expect that this “impossible” task to develop could exist. I don't want it to be just flying words in our awareness, it needs to be an action, but is not only up to me because all of us make the difference, we are siblings and with discipline and love we could be success. Working as a one person, we will move heavy rocks to everyplace that we want too.

Thanks God for allow me born in this amazing and lovable country that is going to fight for its rights and fate.

Monday, October 17, 2011

My own experience about working in groups and doing an oral presentation

I like how my group worked, I think we did well, and it was funny to do something different from other people.  I admitted that I didn’t like to recorded people secretly, but the results that we had, were satisfactory. Sometimes people looked at my in a bad way, and I felt uncomfortable. I spent many hours tried to figure it out how to edit videos and finally I could do a good job. In my oral presentation I noticed I should be more spontaneous and confident about my speech. I know I am little shy, yet  the next time I would be better and try harder and harder to improve my speaking skills.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

How works our awareness

Our brain have complex functions which make us think and process our ideas and information in a right way about what we are listening to and watching to. However, these date and notions in our mind don’t development in high level because nobody uses its brain 100%.

That’s the reason why we don’t pay attention in details that are kind of stupid, because we are focus in 1 thing. Maybe women wouldn’t have these problems because they can do many tasks while they are focus in 1 thing. For example, when they are driving, you can see they are talking on the phone, making up themselves, texting, drinking coffee, whatever you can imagine.

If we want to compare awareness with conformity, it should be some similarities: we prefer to listen to the beat and the rhythm of a song instead of listen to the lyrics. So, we don’t care about it. Even there are some people who notice sublime messages or make jokes with those songs. Also, in my country Colombia when something wrong is happening, we don’t do anything to change it; people who fight against the unfair never win.

Concerning the video about perception which some people play basketball while someone with a gorilla's costume is crossing between them, I think it was a great activity because it make you work hard to figure it out the answer. It’s a clear example how conformity is always inside us. Weird and exciting things make us think more deeply to know the purpose of a portrait, sculture, architecture, etc.

In conclusion, look for the unusual things and enjoy it.